Donald Trump's travel ban barring citizens of seven Muslim majority countries entry into the US has sparked protests at airports across the country.
The decree bars all refugees and citizens from seven Muslim countries from traveling to the US for 90 days. All refugee admissions will be suspended for 120 days. Syrian refugees are barred from entering the US indefinitely. Who’s been impacted by the ban? Join the conversation on the next Your Call, with Rose Aguilar, and you.
Banafsheh Akhlaghi, civil and human rights lawyer
Catherine Tactaquin, executive director and co-founder of the National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights
Julia Harumi Mass, senior staff attorney at the ACLU of Northern California
Web Resources:
ACLU: In President Trump’s First Week, ACLU Hands Him First Stinging Rebuke
National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights
SF Chronicle: Anxious immigrant families caught in Trump order mostly relieved
The Guardian: US airports on frontline as Donald Trump's travel ban causes chaos and protests