On the August 9th edition of Your Call, we will discuss turning political tides for Native Americans.
There are at least 73 American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiians serving in 19 state legislatures. Many more are currently running for office. Bernie Sanders' campaign made history for including indigenous delegates to help draft the Democratic platform. It's rare for people who’ve suffered the loss of land and culture to have political power. Now that this is slowly changing, what differences in policy and priorities are we seeing? Its Your Call with Rose Aguilar, and you.
Mark Trahant, independent print and broadcast journalist covering Native Americans and politics
Tara Zhaaboweke Houska, National Campaign Director at Honor the Earth
Related links:
Voices of America: Native Americans, a forgotten minority in US presidential campaign
Indian Country today: Native American Council Kicks Off DNC
Yes! Magazine: A Political Turning Point for Native Americans