On the May 3rd edition of Your Call, we’ll have a conversation with Harvard Law Professor Lawrence Lessig about the history of superdelegates and other issues impacting electoral democracy and political culture in the US.
This summer, 4,763 delegates will attend the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia. 712 so-called superdelegates can support any candidate they choose and can switch their support at any time. Who are these superdelegates? How democratic is this process? Is there a better way to choose a candidate? It’s Your Call, with Rose Aguilar and you.
Lawrence Lessig, professor of Law and Leadership at Harvard Law School, and founder of Rootstrikers, an activist network opposed to corruption in government
Web Resources:
Boston.com: Lawrence Lessig explains how Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton get money in politics wrong
The Guardian: Who are the Democratic superdelegates and where did they come from?
The Guardian: Bernie Sanders vows a contested convention despite 'tough road' ahead