On today's Your Call, we’ll have a conversation about efforts to promote products manufactured in California. California Senator Majority Leader Ellen Corbett of San Leandro recently introduced legislation to require Governor Jerry Brown’s business development office, to come up with a plan to promote California-manufactured products. What does made in California mean? And how strong is the Made in California manufacturing sector? It’s your Call, with Rose Aguilar and you.
Katie Quan, associate chair of the Labor Center at University of California, Berkeley Berkeley
Richard Walker, professor Emeritus Department of Geography at University of California, Berkeley
Web Resources:
LA Times: Bill would create 'Made in California' label
SF Examiner: Despite billion dollar earnings, Apple shafts its lowest paid workers
Huffington Post: 'Sweatshop' Conditions Found In LA Fashion District At Contractors For Urban Outfitters, Aldo, Forever 21