On today’s Your Call, it’s our Friday media roundtable. This week, we’ll have a conversation with investigative journalist Jeremy Scahill about his new book “Dirty Wars: The World Is a Battlefield.” He investigates the expanding CIA and the Joint Special Operations Command’s covert operations in Pakistan, Afghanistan and beyond. We’ll also talk about the rise in violence in Pakistan ahead of this Saturday’s elections with Dawn's Rafia Zakaria. Where did you see the best reporting this week? It’s Your Call, with Rose Aguilar and you.
Rafia Zakaria, columnist for DAWN, Pakistan’s largest English newspaper
Jeremy Scahill, national security correspondent at The Nation magazine, author of Dirty Wars
Web Resources:
Jermey Schaill’s event: Friday, May 10, 7:30 pm at First Congregational Church of Oakland
DAWN: Bombing the vote in Karachi
Guardian: Pakistan's deadly democracy
The Nation: Inside America's Dirty Wars
BBC: Pakistan campaigning ends ahead of election
BBC: Pakistan elections: Politicians and parties to watch
Iona Craig: Will Obama keep Yemeni journalist in jail?