On today’s Your Call, we’ll continue our Agenda for a New Economy series by talking about President Obama’s $3.8 Trillion dollar spending budget. It includes cuts to Medicare and a change to the cost of living formula that determines Social Security benefits? A.F.L.-C.I.O. president Richard Trumka called the proposed changes “wrong and indefensible.” How much money is set aside for the military? What about revenue and tax loopholes? What changes would you make to the federal budget? It’s Your Call, with Rose Aguilar and you.
Mattea Kramer, senior research analyst at the National Priorities Project
Andrew Fieldhouse, federal budget policy analyst at the Economic Policy Institute
Web Resources:
National Priorities Project: Top 5 Things to Know About President Obama's 2014 Budget
EPI: The ‘Back to Work’ budget
EPI: The Obama budget’s misguidedly lower revenue target
NY Times: Obama’s Budget Revives Benefits as Divisive Issue
Washington Post: Wonkbook: Everything you need to know about the Obama budget