On today’s Your Call, we continue our Agenda for a New Economy series by looking at the companies that are making tens of millions of dollars by gathering and selling our personal information to marketing firms. Who are these data brokers and how do they get their hand on our personal information? Join us at 10 or email feedback@yourcallradio.org. How do you protect your personal information? How concerned are you about what companies know. It’s Your Call with Rose Aguilar and you.
Lois Beckett, reporter with ProPublica
Adi Kamdar, activist with the Electronic Frontier Foundation
Ashkan Soltani, independent researcher and consultant specializing in consumer privacy and security on the Internet
Web Resources:
ProPublica: Voter Information Wars: Will the GOP Team Up With Wal-Mart’s Data Specialist?
CNET: Facebook Home isn't where your privacy is
McClatchy: Mobile wallet technology raises privacy, security concerns
Electronic Frontier Foundation
Silicon Beat: Privacy matters: Tech opposes ‘Right to Know Act,’ plus watching cops and workers
Digital Trends: New California bill would allow customers access to what companies know about them
Wall Street Journal: The Web's New Gold Mine: Your Secrets