On today's Your Call, we’ll talk about bike-sharing. This August, commuters in San Francisco, San Jose, and other cities along the CalTrain line will be able to borrow and return bicycles at kiosks in different locations to improve their commute. The Bay Area Air Quality Management District will implement this &7 million dollar pilot program starting with 700 bikes at 70 stations. Bike-sharing is a popular program in other cities across the country and globe. How would it work in your area? Join us at 10am Pacific Time or post a comment here. Would bike-sharing help you get around? It’s Your Call, with Rose Aguilar and You.
Kit Hodge, deputy director of the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition
Heath Maddox, senior planner for Livable Streets with the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency
Chris Holben, Bikesharing project manager (Capital Bikeshare) with Department of Transportation in Washington DC
San Francisco Bicycle Coalition
Bay Area Air Quality Management District: Regional Bicycle Share Pilot Project
San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency - Livable Streets
SFMTA: 4g Bike sharing comes to the San Francisco Bay
SFMTA: Bicycle Sharing in San Francisco
SF Gate: Bike-sharing at long last to roll into the Bay
SF Gate: Bike-sharing coming to SF and southward
Capital Bikeshare (Washington DC)
The Hubway (Boston)
Nice Ride (Minneapolis/St. Paul)
Denver B-Cycle (Denver)
Bixi (Montreal)