On the today’s Your Call, we’ll have a conversation about hydraulic fracturing, which involves blasting huge amounts of chemicals, sand and water into the ground, which enables trapped oil and gas to escape. How much fracking is happening in California? How should it be tracked and regulated? Who is pushing for fracking in California? And how are communities organizing against it? It’s Your Call, with Rose Aguilar and you
Dan Jacobson, legislative director for Environment California
Avner Vengosh, professor of Earth & Ocean Sciences at Duke University
Paul Ferrazzi, executive director of LA Based Citizens Coalition for a Safe Community
Web Resources:
LA Times: California Senate rejects 'fracking' legislation
Truthout: Fracking in California Raises New and Old Concerns
LA Weekly: Could Fracking in Los Angeles Cause an Earthquake?
EWG: What you need to know about fracking
Citizens, Groups Calling for a Ban on Fracking in California