This week on KALW's showcase for the best stories from public radio podcasts and independent radio producers...
“600 Cherry Hill Road, Part I,” produced by Aaron Henkin, Wendel Patrick, and Melissa Gerr for the podcast Out of the Blocks from WYPR, June 2017.
The Baltimore-based podcast Out of the Blocks travels the city, block by block, to collect stories from the people who spend their time there, whether for work, life, or just to get a haircut from their favorite stylist. Each person’s story is then scored by the Baltimore-based musician Wendel Patrick.
Today, Out of the Blocks takes us to the heart of Baltimore’s Cherry Hill neighborhood to meet the preachers, the barbers, the business owners, and parents living on the 600 block of Cherry Hill Road.
You can see photos of each of the voices you heard in this episode at Out of the Blocks' website, which is also where you can hear the second half of this two-part episode arch. Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, and wherever else you listen to podcasts.
This week's episode featured music from: Black Moth Super Rainbow, Beach House, and Jimmy Ruffin.
If you have a suggestion for a podcast or an audio project we should feature, please drop us a line at
Tune in next week for another episode of The Spot, only on KALW San Francisco.