This week on KALW's showcase for the best stories from public radio podcasts and independent radio producers...
"Red, White, and Blue Bus," produced by Luke Eldridge, June 2012.
Independent radio producer Luke Eldridge shares his meditation on the people who fill the seats on his local bus line. This piece was a winner of the 2012 Third Coast ShortDocs Challenge, which invited anyone and everyone to produce short audio works featuring at least two neighbors, a color in the title, and three consecutive seconds of narrative silence. You can find more selections from the archives of the Third Coast International Audio Festival at their website. You’ll also find a link there to subscribe to their podcast.
"ZZ Top Impersonator," produced by Peter Finch for the podcast The Finch Files: Stories from San Francisco and Beyond, July 2015.
Last year, Bay Area-based radio producer Peter Finch launched the podcast The Finch Files: Stories of San Francisco and Beyond. The show features little-known histories, personal experiences, and sonic explorations all about our beloved Bay Area. You can find the latest from his podcast at You’ll also find the show now on iTunes.
"Gender Armageddon," produced by Kip Reinsmith for the podcast Subframe, July 2015.
In their first season, Subframe is looking to tell the story of The Panama-Pacific International Exposition of 1915, held in San Francisco. This episode explores the shifting role of women in the Bay Area around the time of the fair. Get ready for discussions of how technology was central in shaping perceptions of gender, as well as the connection the fair had to gender equality movements happening during that time. (Score!)
Subframe is produced by a team of documentary makers in partnership with the California Historical Society. You can find more episodes at
This week's episode featured music from: Black Moth Super Rainbow, The Pica Beats, Barbara Acklin, melodium, and Tosca.
If you have a suggestion for a podcast or an audio project we should feature, please drop us a line at
Tune in next week for another episode of The Spot, only on KALW San Francisco.