Today is Tuesday, the 4th of February of 2025
February 4 is the 35th day of the year
330 days remain until the end of the year
43 days until spring begins
Sunrise this morning at 7:10:28 am
and sunset will be this afternoon at 5:38:14 pm.
Today we will have 10 hours and 27 minutes of daylight
The solar transit will be at 12:24:21 pm
Water temperature in Aquatic Park today is 53.6°F
The first high tide was at 2:46 am at 6.16 feet
The first low tide will be at 9:41 am at 0.77 feet
The next high tide will be at 4:00 pm at 3.95 feet
and the final low tide at Ocean Beach will be tonight at 8:58 pm at 2.18 feet
The Moon is currently 41.2% visible
It’s a Waxing Crescent moon
We’ll have the First Quarter Moon tomorrow Wednesday the 5th of February of 2025 at 12:02 am
Today is….
National Thank your Mail Carrier Day
Also known as Day of Courage and National Day of Courage
Today is also….
Day of the Armed Struggle (Angola)
Rosa Parks Day (California and Missouri, United States)
International Day of Human Fraternity
On this day in Black History…..
1955 - Rosa Parks born. Parks famously refused to give up her seat to a white man on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama. ...
1986 - Grant Fuhr became the first Black player to win Most Valuable Player at the NHL All-Star Game. ... 1986 - The United States Postal Service issued a commemorative stamp honoring Sojourner Truth.
1999 – Unarmed West African immigrant Amadou Diallo is shot 41 times by four plainclothes New York City police officers on an unrelated stake-out, inflaming race relations in the city.
If today is your birthday, Happy Birthday to you! You share your special day with….
1818 – Emperor Norton, San Francisco eccentric and visionary (d. 1880)
1868 – Constance Markievicz, Irish revolutionary and first woman elected to the UK House of Commons (d. 1927)
1869 – Bill Haywood, American labor organizer (d. 1928)
1902 – Charles Lindbergh, American pilot and explorer (d. 1974)
1906 – Dietrich Bonhoeffer, German pastor and theologian (d. 1945)
1912 – Erich Leinsdorf, Austrian-American conductor (d. 1993)
1913 – Rosa Parks, American civil rights activist (d. 2005)
1917 – Yahya Khan, Pakistan general and politician, third President of Pakistan (d. 1980)
1918 – Ida Lupino, English-American actress and director (d. 1995)
1920 – Janet Waldo, American actress and voice artist (d. 2016)
1921 – Betty Friedan, American author and feminist (d. 2006)
1925 – Stanley Karnow, American journalist and historian (d. 2013)
1931 – Isabel Perón, Argentinian dancer and politician, 41st President of Argentina
1936 – David Brenner, American comedian, actor, and author (d. 2014)
1947 – Dan Quayle, American sergeant, lawyer, and politician, 44th Vice President of the United States
1948 – Alice Cooper, American singer-songwriter
1962 – Clint Black, American singer-songwriter, guitarist, and producer
1970 – Hunter Biden, American attorney and lobbyist
1973 – Oscar De La Hoya, American boxer
….also on this day in history…
1789 – George Washington is unanimously elected as the first President of the United States by the U.S. Electoral College.
1794 – The French legislature abolishes slavery throughout all territories of the French First Republic. It would be reestablished in the French West Indies in 1802.
1974 – The Symbionese Liberation Army kidnaps Patty Hearst in Berkeley, California.
1992 – A coup d'état is led by Hugo Chávez against Venezuelan President Carlos Andrés Pérez.
2004 – Facebook, a mainstream online social networking site, is founded by Mark Zuckerberg and Eduardo Saverin.