Today is Monday the 13th of January of 2025,
January 13 is the 13th day of the year
65 days until spring begins
Sunrise will be at 7:24:25 am
and sunset will be at 5:14:07 pm.
Today we will have 9 hours and 49 minutes of daylight
The solar transit will be at 12:19:16 pm.
Water temperature in Aquatic Park today is 52.9°F.
The first low tide was at 3:37 am at 3.12 feet
The first high will be at 9:24 am at 6.82 feet
The next low tide will be at 4:42 pm at -1.21 feet
And the final high tide will be tonight at 11:46 pm at 5.18 feet
The Moon is currently 99.6% visible
It’s still a Waxing Gibbous
It will be a 100% Full Moon Today at 2:27 pm
The January moon is called the Full Wolf Moon.
The howling of wolves was often heard at this time of year. Many sources state that wolves howled due to hunger. Rather, wolves use howls to define territory, locate pack members, reinforce social bonds, and gather for hunting.
The January moon is also called the….
• Canada Goose Moon (Tlingit)
• Center Moon (Assiniboine)
• Cold Moon (Cree)
• Freeze Up Moon (Algonquin)
• Frost Exploding Moon (Cree)
• Great Moon (Cree)
• Greetings Moon (Western Abenaki)
• Hard Moon (Dakota)
• Severe Moon (Dakota)
• Spirit Moon (Ojibwe)
Today is….
National Clean Off Your Desk Day
Today is also....
Old New Year's Eve (Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Serbia, Montenegro, Republic of Srpska, North Macedonia), and its related observances:
Malanka (Ukraine, Russia, Belarus)
Sidereal winter solstice's eve celebrations in South and Southeast Asian cultures; the last day of the six-month Dakshinayana period
Bhogi (Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu)
Lohri (Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh)
Stephen Foster Memorial Day (United States)
If today is your birthday, Happy Birthday To You! You share your special day with….
5 BC – Guangwu of Han, Chinese emperor (d. 57)
1610 – Maria Anna of Bavaria, archduchess of Austria (d. 1665)
1616 – Antoinette Bourignon, French-Flemish mystic and author (d. 1680)
1672 – Lucy Filippini, Italian teacher and saint (d. 1732)
1810 – Ernestine Rose, American suffragist, abolitionist, and freethinker (d. 1892)
1832 – Horatio Alger, Jr., American novelist and journalist (d. 1899)
1865 – Princess Marie of Orléans (d. 1908)
1886 – Sophie Tucker, Russian-born American singer and actress (d. 1966)
1900 – Gertrude Mary Cox, American mathematician (d. 1978)
1901 – A. B. Guthrie, Jr., American novelist, screenwriter, historian (d. 1991)
1905 – Kay Francis, American actress (d. 1968)
1921 – Dachine Rainer, American-English author and poet (d. 2000)
1924 – Paul Feyerabend, Austrian-Swiss philosopher and academic (d. 1994)
1927 – Liz Anderson, American singer-songwriter (d. 2011)
1929 – Joe Pass, American guitarist and composer (d. 1994)
1931 – Charles Nelson Reilly, American actor, comedian, director, game show panelist, and television personality (d. 2007)
1931 – Rip Taylor, American actor and comedian (d. 2019
1938 – Anna Home, English children's television executive and producer
1940 – Edmund White, American novelist, memoirist, and essayist
1949 – Brandon Tartikoff, American screenwriter and producer (d. 1997)
1952 – Stephen Glover, English journalist, co-founded The Independent
1953 – Silvana Gallardo, American actress and producer (d. 2012)
1955 – Jay McInerney, American novelist and critic
1955 – Anne Pringle, English diplomat, British Ambassador to Russia
1957 – Claudia Emerson, American poet and academic (d. 2014)
1957 – Mary Glindon, English lawyer and politician
1961 – Julia Louis-Dreyfus, American actress, comedian, and producer
1964 – Penelope Ann Miller, American actress
1966 – Patrick Dempsey, American actor and race car driver
1967 – Suzanne Cryer, American actress
1968 – Traci Bingham, American actress, model, and television personality
1969 – Stefania Belmondo, Italian skier
1970 – Shonda Rhimes, American actress, director, producer, and screenwriter
1975 – Andrew Yang, American entrepreneur, founder of Venture for America, and 2020 Democratic presidential candidate
1979 – Katy Brand, English actress and screenwriter
1982 – Ruth Wilson, English actress
1986 – Joannie Rochette, Canadian figure skater
1987 – Florica Leonida, Romanian gymnast
1992 – Dinah Pfizenmaier, German tennis player
1995 – Natalia Dyer, American actress
2003 – Oksana Selekhmeteva, Russian tennis player
….and on this day in history….
1888 – The National Geographic Society is founded in Washington, D.C.
1898 – Émile Zola's J'accuse…! exposes the Dreyfus affair.
1942 – Henry Ford patents a soybean car, which is 30% lighter than a regular car.
1966 – Robert C. Weaver becomes the first African American Cabinet member when he is appointed United States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development.
1968 – Johnny Cash performs live at Folsom State Prison.
1990 – Douglas Wilder becomes the first elected African American governor as he takes office as Governor of Virginia in Richmond, Virginia.
2018 – A false emergency alert warning of an impending missile strike in Hawaii causes widespread panic in the state.
2021 – Outgoing U.S. President Donald Trump is impeached for a second time on a charge of incitement of insurrection following the January 6 United States Capitol attack one week prior.