Today is Friday the 19th of July of 2024,
July 19 is the 201th day of the year
165 days remain until the end of the year.
65 days until Autumn begin
The sun rises at 6:03:31 am
and sunset will be at 8:28:19 pm.
Water temperature in San Francisco Bay today is 65.7°F
The first low tide was at 4:17 an at -0.66 feet
The first high tide will be at 11:33 am at 4.65 feet
The next low tide will be at 3:40 pm at 3.4 feet
and the final high tide at Ocean Beach tonight will be at 9:35 am at 6.71 feet
The Moon is currently 95.1%
It’s still a Waxing Gibbous
It will be a Full Moon in 2 days on Sunday the 21st of July of 2024 at 3:17 am
The July Full Moon is also called The….
Berry Moon and the Halfway Summer Moon by the Anishinaabe
Feather Moulting Moon by the Cree
Month of the Ripe Corn Moon by the Cherokee
Moon When the Chokecherries are Ripe by the Dakota
Raspberry Moon by the Algonquin and the Ojibwe
Salmon Moon by the Tlingit
Thunder Moon by the Western Abenaki
Today is….
Flight Attendant Safety Professionals' Day
National Words With Friends Day
Today is also….
Palace Day
Sandinista Day or Liberation Day in Nicaragua
If today is your birthday, Happy Birthday to you! You share your special day with….
1814 – Samuel Colt, American businessman, founded the Colt's Manufacturing Company (d. 1862)
1860 – Lizzie Borden, American woman, tried and acquitted for the murders of her father and step-mother in 1892 (d. 1927)
1868 – Florence Foster Jenkins, American soprano and educator (d. 1944)
1875 – Alice Dunbar Nelson, American poet and activist (d. 1935)
1883 – Max Fleischer, Austrian-American animator and producer (d. 1972)
1893 – Vladimir Mayakovsky, Russian actor, playwright, and poet (d. 1930)
1898 – Herbert Marcuse, German-American sociologist and philosopher (d. 1979)
1921 – Harold Camping, American evangelist, author, radio host (d. 2013)
1922 – George McGovern, American lieutenant, historian, and politician (d. 2012)
1922 – Rachel Robinson, American professor, registered nurse, and the widow of baseball player Jackie Robinson
1923 – Lon Simmons, American baseball player and sportscaster (d. 2015)
1924 – Arthur Rankin Jr., American director, producer, and screenwriter (d. 2014)
1926 – Helen Gallagher, American actress, singer, and dancer
1937 – George Hamilton IV, American singer-songwriter and guitarist (d. 2014)
1941 – Vikki Carr, American singer and actress
1948 – Keith Godchaux, American keyboard player and songwriter (d. 1980)
1952 – Jayne Anne Phillips American novelist and short story writer
1963 – Garth Nix, Australian author
1965 – Evelyn Glennie, Scottish musician
1974 – Preston Wilson, American baseball player and sportscaster
1976 – Benedict Cumberbatch, English actor
….and on this day in history….
1848 – Women's rights: A two-day Women's Rights Convention opens in Seneca Falls, New York.
1900 – The first line of the Paris Métro opens for operation.
1969 – Chappaquiddick incident: U.S. Senator Ted Kennedy crashes his car into a tidal pond at Chappaquiddick Island, Massachusetts, killing his passenger Mary Jo Kopechne.
1977 – The world's first Global Positioning System (GPS) signal was transmitted from Navigation Technology Satellite 2 (NTS-2) and received at Rockwell Collins in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, at 12:41 a.m. Eastern time (ET).
1980 – Opening of the Summer Olympics in Moscow. 1983 – The first three-dimensional reconstruction of a human head in a CT is published.
1997 – The Troubles: The Provisional Irish Republican Army resumes a ceasefire to end their 25-year paramilitary campaign to end British rule in Northern Ireland.