Today is Monday, October 16, 2023, the 289th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar with 76 days remaining until the end of the year.
Sunrise: 7:18am
Sunset: 6:30pm us 11 hours and 12 minutes of daylight.
The waxing crescent moon will rise at 9:19am and set at 7:32pm and is 3.7% illuminated.
San Francisco Tides:
High: 1:23am/12:44pm
Low: 6:23am/7:14pm
The water temperature in Aquatic Park averaging 65 degrees.
Today's special celebrations...
Department Store Day
Dictionary Day (Noah Webster's Birthday)
Global Cat Day
Lung Health Day
National Clean Your Virtual Desktop Day
National Feral Cat Day
World Anesthesia Day
World Food Day
World Spine Day
On this day in...
1701 - The Collegiate School was founded in Killingworth, CT. The school moved to New Haven in 1745 and changed its name to Yale College.
1793 - During the French Revolution, Queen Marie Antoinette was beheaded after being convicted of treason.
1859 - Abolitionist John Brown led a raid on Harper's Ferry, VA (now located in West Virginia).
1928 - Marvin Pipkin received a patent for the frosted electric light bulb.
1943 - Chicago's new subway system was officially opened with a ribbon cutting ceremony.
1955 - Mrs. Jules Lederer replaced Ruth Crowley in newspapers using the name Ann Landers.
1962 - U.S. President Kennedy was informed that there were missile bases in Cuba, beginning the Cuban missile crisis.
1964 - China detonated its first atomic bomb becoming the world's fifth nuclear power.
1967 - NATO headquarters opened in Brussels.
1970 - Anwar Sadat was elected president of Egypt to succeed Gamal Abdel Nassar.
1973 - Henry Kissinger and Le Duc Tho were named winners of the Nobel Peace Prize. The Vietnamese official declined the award.
1995 - The "Million Man March" took place in Washington, DC.
Birthday celebrants on this day include or included...
Jan Dismas Zelenka 1679
Noah Webster 1758
Albert Franz Doppler 1821
Oscar Wilde 1854
David Ben-Gurion 1886
Eugene O'Neill 1888
Bert Kaempfert 1923
Angela Lansbury 1925
Charles Colson 1931
Suzanne Somers (Mahoney) 1946
Bob Weir (Grateful Dead) 1947
Tim Robbins 1958
Flea (Red Hot Chili Peppers) 1962
Wendy Wilson (Wilson Phillips) 1969