Today is Wednesday, October 4, 2023, the 277th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar with 88 days remaining until the end of the year.
Sunrise: 7:07am
Sunset: 6:48pm us 11 hours and 40 minutes of daylight.
The waning gibbous moon will set at 1:12pm and rise at 10:21pm and is 70.3% illuminated.
San Francisco Tides:
High: 4:52am/3:21pm
Low: 9:17am/10:32pm
The water temperature in Aquatic Park averaging 66 degrees today.
Today's special celebrations...
Balloons Around The World Day
Banned Websites Awareness Day
Blessing of The Animals Day
Coffee With A Cop Day
Dick Tracy Day
Improve Your Office Day
International Ship in A Bottle Day
Kanelbullens Dag (Cinnamon Roll Day)
Random Acts of Poetry Day
Ten-Four Day
Walk & Roll To School Day
World Animal Day
World Child Health Day
World Financial Planning Day
National Pumpkin Seed Day
National Taco Day
On this day in...
1535 - The first complete English translation of the Bible was printed in Zurich, Switzerland.
1648 - The first volunteer fire department was established in New York by Peter Stuyvesant.
1881 - Edward Leveaux received a patent for the player piano.
1887 - The Paris Herald Tribune was published for the first time. It was later known as the International Herald Tribune.
1915 - The Dinosaur National Monument was established. The area covered part of Utah and Colorado.
1927 - The first actual work of carving began on Mount Rushmore.
1931 - The comic strip "Dick Tracy" made its debut in the Detroit Daily Mirror. The strip was created by Chester Gould.
1933 - "Esquire" magazine was published for the first time.
1956 - "Playhouse 90" debuted on CBS-TV.
1957 - "Leave it to Beaver" debuted on CBS-TV.
1957 - The Soviet Union launched Sputnik I into orbit around the Earth. Sputnik was the first manmade satellite to enter space. Sputnik I fell out of orbit on January 4, 1958.
1958 - British Overseas Airways Corporation became the first jetliner to offer trans-Atlantic service to passengers with flights between London, England and New York.
1959 - The first World Series to be played west of St. Louis began in Los Angeles, CA.
1965 - Pope Paul VI addressed the U.N. General Assembly and became the first reigning pontiff to visit the Western Hemisphere.
1976 - Barbara Walters joined Harry Reasoner at the anchor desk of the "ABC Evening News" for the first time.
1994 - South African President Nelson Mandela was welcomed to the White House by U.S. President Clinton.
2001 - Barry Bonds (San Francisco Giants) hit his 70th home run of the season to tie Mark McGwire's major league record. Bonds also moved past Reggie Jackson on the all-time list with his 564th career home run.
2004 - SpaceShipOne reached an altitude of 368,000 feet. It was the first privately built, manned rocket ship to fly in space twice within a two week window. The ship won the Ansari X Prize of $10 million dollars for their success.
Birthday celebrants on this day include or included...
- Rutherford B. Hayes 1822 - 19th President of the United States
- Frederic S. Remington 1861
- Damon Runyon 1884
- Buster Keaton 1895
- Charlton Heston 1924
- Anne Rice 1941
- Jackie Collins 1941
- Susan Sarandon 1946
- Chris Lowe (Pet Shop Boys) 1959
- Jon Secada 1961
- Liev Schreiber 1967