Today is Wednesday May 3, 2023
It is the 123rd day of the year
242 days remain until the end of the year.
49 days until summer begins
The sun rose in San Francisco at 6:12:36 am
and sunset will be at 8:01:59 pm.
Today we have 13 hours and 49 minutes of sun.
The solar transit will be at 1:07:17 pm.
Water temperature in San Francisco Bay today is 58.6°F.
The first low tide was at 4:13 am at 0.47 feet
The first high tide will be later this morning at 10:21 am at 4.39 feet
The next low tide will be this afternoon at 3:54 pm at 1.37 feet
and the final high tide at Ocean Beach tonight will be at 10:10 pm at 5.63 feet
The Moon is currently 94.8% visible
We’ll have a Full Moon in 3 Days on Friday the 5th of May of 2023 at 10:34 am
We’ll also have a Pen-umbral Lunar Eclipse
Today is…
National Anxiety Disorders Screening Day
National Chocolate Custard Day
National Raspberry Popover Day
National Specially-abled Pets Day
National Two Different Colored Shoes Day
Today is also…
The Third of May 1808 is a painting by Francisco Goya
Constitution Memorial Day (Japan)
Finding of the Holy Cross-related observances:
Fiesta de las Cruces (Spain and Hispanic America)
If today is your birthday, Happy Birthday To You! You share this special day with…
490 – K'an Joy Chitam I, ruler of Palenque (d. 565)
1469 – Niccolò Machiavelli, Italian historian and philosopher (d. 1527)
1481 – Juana de la Cruz Vázquez Gutiérrez, Spanish abbess of the Franciscan Third Order Regular (d. 1534)
1886 – Marcel Dupré, French organist and composer (d. 1971)
1897 – William Joseph Browne, Canadian lawyer and politician, 20th Solicitor General of Canada (d. 1989)
1898 – Septima Poinsette Clark, American educator and activist (d. 1987)
1898 – Golda Meir, Ukrainian-Israeli educator and politician, 4th Prime Minister of Israel (d. 1978) 1903 – Bing Crosby, American
singer and actor (d. 1977)
1906 – Mary Astor, American actress (d. 1987)
1910 – Norman Corwin, American screenwriter and producer (d. 2011)
1912 – Virgil Fox, American organist and composer (d. 1980)
1912 – May Sarton, American poet, novelist and memoirist (d. 1995)
1913 – William Inge, American playwright and novelist (d. 1973)
1919 – Pete Seeger, American singer-songwriter, guitarist, and activist (d. 2014)
1920 – John Lewis, American pianist and composer (d. 2001)
1921 – Sugar Ray Robinson, American boxer (d. 1989)
1933 – James Brown, American singer-songwriter, producer, and actor (d. 2006)
1934 – Georges Moustaki, Egyptian-French singer-songwriter and guitarist (d. 2013)
1934 – Frankie Valli, American singer and actor
1938 – Napoleon XIV, American singer, songwriter and record producer
1951 – Christopher Cross, American singer-songwriter and producer
1954 – Angela Bofill, American singer-songwriter
...and on this day in history…
752 – Mayan king Bird Jaguar IV of Yaxchilan in modern-day Chiapas, Mexico, assumes the throne.
1715 – A total solar eclipse is visible across northern Europe and northern Asia, as predicted by Edmond Halley to within four
minutes accuracy
1802 – Washington, D.C. is incorporated as a city after Congress abolishes the Board of Commissioners, the District's founding
government. The "City of Washington" is given a mayor-council form of government
1855 – American adventurer William Walker departs from San Francisco with about 60 men to conquer Nicaragua.
1913 – Raja Harishchandra, the first full-length Indian feature film, is released, marking the beginning of the Indian film industry.
1921 – Ireland is partitioned under British law by the Government of Ireland Act 1920, creating Northern Ireland and Southern Ireland.
1921 – West Virginia becomes the first state to legislate a broad sales tax, but does not implement it until a number of years later
due to enforcement issues.
1947 – New post-war Japanese constitution goes into effect.
1948 – The U.S. Supreme Court rules in Shelley v. Kraemer that covenants prohibiting the sale of real estate to blacks and other minorities are legally unenforceable.
1957 – Walter O'Malley, the owner of the Brooklyn Dodgers, agrees to move the team from Brooklyn to Los Angeles.
1963 – The police force in Birmingham, Alabama switches tactics and responds with violent force to stop the "Birmingham campaign" protesters. Images of the violent suppression are transmitted worldwide, bringing new-found attention to the civil rights movement.
1978 – The first unsolicited bulk commercial email (which would later become known as "spam") is sent by a Digital Equipment Corporation marketing representative to every ARPANET address on the west coast of the United States.
1979 – Margaret Thatcher wins the United Kingdom general election.[8] The following day, she becomes the first female British Prime Minister.
2001 – The United States loses its seat on the U.N. Human Rights Commission for the first time since the commission was formed in 1947.