Today is Wednesday, August 3, 2022, the 215th day of the year; 150 days remain until the end of the year.
- Sunrise: 6:14am
- Sunset: 8:15pm
The waxing crescent moon is 32.4% illuminated.
- Moonrise: 11:59am
- Moonset: 11:33pm
San Francisco Bay Tides
- High: 4:13am/5:21pm
- Low: 10:28am/11:36pm
Water Temp in Aquatic Park – around 57 degrees
Today’s special holidays and celebrations:
- Friendship Day
- Watermelon Day
- National IPA Day
- Grab Some Nuts Day
On this day in…
1492 - Christopher Columbus left Palos, Spain with three ships. The voyage led him to what is now known as the Americas. He reached the Bahamas on October 12.
1914 - Germany declared war on France. The next day World War I began when Britain declared war on Germany.
1923 - Calvin Coolidge was sworn in as the 30th president of the US after the sudden death of President Harding.
1933 - The Mickey Mouse Watch was introduced for the price of $2.75.
1936 - The US State Department advised Americans to leave Spain due to the Spanish Civil War.
1936 - Jesse Owens won the first of his four Olympic gold medals.
1943 - Gen. George S. Patton verbally abused and slapped a private. Later, Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower ordered him to apologize for the incident.
1949 - The National Basketball Association (NBA) was formed. The league was formed by the merger between the Basketball Association of America and the National Basketball League.
1981 - US traffic controllers with PATCO, the Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization, went on strike. They were fired just as President Reagan had warned.
1988 - The Iran-Contra hearings ended. No ties were made between US President Reagan and the Nicaraguan Rebels.
1995 - Eyad Ismoil was flown from Jordan to the US to face charges that he had driven the van that blew up in New York's World Trade Center.
2004 - In New York, the Statue of Liberty re-opened to the public. The site had been closed since the terrorist attacks on the U.S. on September 11, 2001.
2004 - NASA launched the spacecraft Messenger. The 6 1/2 year journey was planned to arrive at the planet Mercury in March 2011. On April 30, 2015, Messenger crashed into the surface of Mercury after sending back more than 270,000 pictures.
In addition to, perhaps…you, today’s birthday celebrants include or included…
- John T. Scopes 1900
- Margaret Kuhn 1905
- P.D. James 1920
- Richard Adler 1921
- Leon Uris 1924
- Tony Bennett 1926
- Gordon Scott 1927
- Martin Sheen 1940 - Actor
- Martha Stewart 1941
- John Landis 1950
- Johnny Graham 1951 - Musician (Earth, Wind & Fire)
- Ian Bairnson 1953 - Guitarist (Alan Parson Project)
- John C. McGinley 1959
- James Hetfield 1963 - Musician (Metallica)
- Ed Roland 1963 - Musician (Collective Soul)