Today is Tuesday, August 2, 2022, the 214th day of the year; 151 days remain until the end of the year.
- Sunrise: 6:14am
- Sunset: 8:16pm
The waxing crescent moon is 21% illuminated.
- Moonrise: 10:56am
- Moonset: 11:08pm
San Francisco Bay Tides
- High: 3:20am/4:47pm
- Low: 9:51am/10:35pm
Water Temp in Aquatic Park – around 57 degrees
Today’s special holidays and celebrations:
- National Coloring Book Day
- National Night Out
- National Rap Music Day
- Take A Penny/Leave A Penny Day
- National Ice Cream Sandwich Day
On this day in…
1776 - Members of the Continental Congress began adding their signatures to the Declaration of Independence.
1858 - In Boston and New York City the first mailboxes were installed along streets.
1861 - The United States Congress passed the first income tax. The revenues were intended for the war effort against the South. The tax was never enacted.
1887 - Rowell Hodge patented barbed wire.
1892 - Charles A. Wheeler patented the first escalator.
1921 - Eight White Sox players were acquitted of throwing the 1919 World Series.
1938 - Bright yellow baseballs were used in a major league baseball game between the Brooklyn Dodgers and the St. Louis Cardinals. It was hoped that the balls would be easier to see.
1939 - Albert Einstein signed a letter to President Roosevelt urging the US to have an atomic weapons research program.
1939 - FDR signed the Hatch Act. The act prohibited civil service employees from taking an active part in political campaigns.
1943 - The US Navy patrol torpedo boat, PT-109, sank after being attacked by a Japanese destroyer. The boat was under the command of Lt. John F. Kennedy.
1945 - The Allied conference at Potsdam was concluded.
1983 - U.S. House of Representatives approved a law that designated the third Monday of January would be a federal holiday in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The law was signed by President Reagan on November 2.
1990 - Iraq invaded the oil-rich country of Kuwait. Iraq claimed that Kuwait had driven down oil prices by exceeding production quotas set by OPEC.
In addition to, perhaps…you, today’s birthday celebrants include or included…
Myrna Loy 1905
James Baldwin 1924
Carroll O'Connor 1924
Peter O'Toole 1932
Garth Hudson (The Band) 1937
Wes Craven 1939
Edward Patten (Gladys Knight and the Pips) 1939
Doris Kenner-Jackson (The Shirelles) 1941
Kathy Lennon 1942 - Musician (The Lennon Sisters)
Joanna Cassidy 1945
Lance Ito 1950
Victoria Jackson 1959 - Actress, comedian
Mary-Louise Parker 1964
Kevin Smith 1970