We hear about it in the news every day - smart, successful people caught up in violent personal relationships. So is it surprising that those most vulnerable are barely old enough to drive?
Sixteen to 24-year-olds are three times more likely to find themselves in a relationship with an abusive partner. In its first year in the Bay Area, the One Love Foundation is educating teens to teach teens the early warning signs of a dangerous romance. Host Joseph Pace speaks with members of One Love about their nationwide movement to combat the odds. Can they help break the cycle?
Megan Shackleton - Bay Area Executive Director of the One Love Foundation
Megan Gray - West Coast Engagement Coordinator of One Love
Jaimie Jay - a junior at the University of San Francisco and a College Ambassador for the One Love Foundation
Olivia Enriquez - a junior at Aragon High School in San Mateo and one of the founding members of One Love’s Teen Ambassador Program in the Bay Area
Producer: Jennifer Rewick