California releases proposed cannabis rules ... Nevada plans legal sales in July ... Federal crackdown not likely (at the moment) ... Schools block cannabis use ... Where DEA thinks teens hide pot ... and more.
[Click the blue hyperlink headline to read the full story.]
Here’s what California’s marijuana rules are likely to be // Times-Standard
“The proposed plan — drafted in three parts by three different state agencies — lays out standards for any marijuana business that wants to get licensed by the state, with rules for everything from to how big farms can be to how late dispensaries can stay open to how much can be sold to patients in a single day.” [See related story in Business.]
Nevada hopes to start retail sales this summer // Las Vegas Review-Journal
California’s neighbor to the east “hopes the first retail sales of recreational marijuana will begin on July 1.”
Federal crackdown on marijuana not likely — at least not today // Denver Post
“A meeting [last] Wednesday in Washington between Attorney General Jeff Sessions and [Colorado] Gov. John Hickenlooper suggests the federal crackdown we’ve been concerned about isn’t coming any time soon, and likely isn’t coming at all.”
But that could change in the time it takes to send a tweet, so we’ll continue to monitor this.
Proposed state rules could track purchases // L.A. Weekly
“The rules would require that ‘patient identification numbers’ be entered into a state ‘track and trace’ database and state that: ‘Upon request from the bureau, a licensed dispensary shall provide the name of the medical cannabis patient associated with the patient identification number listed on the delivery request receipt.’"
[Editor’s note: Please see clarification from the director of NORML in the Opinion section, below.]
No more free samples from dispensaries //
California’s proposed marijuana regulations say that “Dispensaries will no longer be allowed to give consumers free samples and they will have mandated operation hours between 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. Edible marijuana products won't be allowed to contain more than 10 milligrams of THC per serving or 100 milligrams per package.”
Scotts Miracle-Gro expanding cannabis-related products // The Cannabist
“CEO Jim Hagedorn on Tuesday underscored his firm’s “big vision” for hydroponics and the seriousness with which Scotts is approaching that sector as more states adopt medical and recreational marijuana laws.”
From casino to cannabis // San Diego Union Tribune
A small native tribe in San Diego County is converting its failed gambling hall into a cannabis grow site.
No drunken uncles at these weddings // SF Chronicle
“There are too many weddings where people are sloppy drunk and cause a scene. I’d rather people be mellow,” says one attendee at the Cannabis Wedding Expo. “If you’re relaxed from cannabis, you’re not going to go for that fifth or sixth drink.”
Schools block students who use medical marijuana // SF Chronicle
“Under current California State Board of Education code, a student who needs to be treated with medication on campus during school hours must have a written note from their parents and their doctor. The medicine also must be given to the school in a container labeled by a U.S.-licensed pharmacist.
“But medical marijuana patients can’t get prescriptions. Instead, they get less official “recommendations” from doctors. That leaves school districts across the state with few options when it comes to students” who use CBD oil or other cannabis derivatives.
Federal protection extended on medical marijuana // High Times
“The Rohrabacher-Farr amendment, which prevents the U.S. Department of Justice from spending funds to interfere with state medical marijuana laws, was included in the budget resolution that was released [Sunday night.]
“The amendment renewal extends protections until September, 2017 and also includes language that supports industrial hemp research as well, which is allowed under Section 7606 of the 2014 Farm Bill.”
Marijuana could aid opioid problems: NIDA //
“Reporting the results of studies that the agency funded, the revised NIDA [National Institute of Drug Abuse] page says that one ‘found an association between medical marijuana legalization and a reduction in overdose deaths from opioid pain relievers, an effect that strengthened in each year following the implementation of legislation.’”
Rulemaking hearings set for June // Bureau of Marijuana Control [NOTE: no hyperlink available.]
“Notice is hereby given that the Bureau of Marijuana Control (bureau), formerly named the Bureau of Medical Cannabis Regulation and the Bureau of Medical Marijuana Regulation, proposes to adopt the proposed regulations described below after considering all comments, objections, and recommendations regarding the proposed action.”
Public hearings are scheduled in June for Eureka, Los Angeles, Sacramento and San Jose. Contact the Bureau for more info:
State makes “thorough attempt” at bringing order to cannabis industry //
“It’s a comprehensive list, and the draft regulations certainly speak to the maturation of California’s cannabis industry.”
NORML director clarifies concerns // Email
Dale Gieringer, state coordinator of the California chapter of the National Assn. for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML), says the L.A. Weekly article in the Cops & Courts section that he “doesn't fear a Big Brother weed-tracking system.” Gieringer has sent out the following clarification:
“I misunderstood this provision when interviewed for this article and erroneously told LAW I wasn’t concerned about it. I am. So long as MMJ remains illegal under federal law, it is very concerning for the state to maintain what is in essence a registry of patients in violation of federal law.
“It should be noted however that this is like how prescription drugs are handled - every single RX is tracked by the pharmacies, and records are open to inspection by the state.”
DEA issues tips for parents on where teens may hide marijuana // Westword
Here’s one: “6. Heating Vent
The DEA thinks heating vents are a good spot to hide weed, but we disagree: When the heat is on, wouldn't it melt the plastic bag? Even if the bag survives, we're pretty sure the heat would ruin the weed. This entry just shows that no one who wrote this list actually tried to hide pot when they were young.”
Support the Cannabis News Roundup, and the station that makes it possible // KALW
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