California nurses endorse Prop. 64 ... Oakland’s permit process stalls ... Will pot license save Amoeba Records? ... Pot and pregnancy ... and more.
Oakland plan for dispensary permits reaches stalemate // SF Chronicle
“Opponents say the plan would choke off the city’s pot trade. Supporters claim it would generate vital revenue for the city and allow city officials to impose racial equity on the multibillion dollar industry, given that most of its top players are white.”
State agencies discuss fine points of regulation // Fresno Bee
“The groups discussed the minute details of the coming regulations. For example, the bureau will require background checks for all cannabis company owners – similar to requirements placed on doctors, nurses and attorneys. But the current proposal would also require checks for their spouses/domestic partners, as well as anyone with a 5 percent financial stake in the company.”
California Nurses Association backs Prop. 64 // SacBee
“The formal endorsement puts the nurses on the side of the California Medical Association and at odds with the California Hospital Association, which opposes the Proposition 64 legalization proposal on the Nov. 8 ballot.”
Medical marijuana monopoly alleged in Richmond // Richmond Confidential
“The complaint alleges the defendants ‘conspired to restrain trade, fix prices and monopolize the cannabis dispensary business in the City of Richmond.’ It also alludes to secret meetings and private real estate agreements.”
How will small growers survive if Prop. 64 passes? // KPBS
Small operators could be crushed by “Big Pot” if Prop. 64 passes, so some are looking for new business plans, such as high-grade “connoisseur cannabis,” or cannabis tourism – AKA “bud-and-breakfast.”
“Your Call” explores Prop. 64 // Your Call Radio
KALW’s call-in program discusses Prop. 64, and the implications of its passage.
Pro Prop. 64 video cites racial imbalance in arrests // East Bay Express
“Marijuana is a leading driver of race-based police brutality in America, according to a new video released online this week from a group helping to legalize cannabis in California.”
Beatles tune used in Prop. 64 video // The Leaf Online
“When I’m 64” becomes “Yes on 64.”
Amoeba Records awarded Berkeley dispensary permit // East Bay Express
“It could be a minimum of several months before any Amoeba Records Dispensary sees its first customers. The records store’s conversion of its jazz room and exterior requires approvals from Berkeley’s Department of Planning and Development.”
The Apothecarium group of San Francisco also received a permit for a Berkeley location.
Rare illness causes vomiting in chronic pot users // KPTV, Portland, OR
“’It's confusing and paradoxical for patients because cannabis use is thought oftentimes to be a relief of vomiting and nausea’," said a doctor at the Oregon Poison Center. who also said “emergency rooms don't specifically track cases of Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome, but said doctors have been seeing roughly three or four cases a month.”
No ill effects seen in cannabis use during pregnancy // The Leaf Online
“Although these data do not imply that marijuana use during pregnancy should be encouraged or condoned, the lack of a significant association with adverse neonatal outcomes suggests that attention should be focused on aiding pregnant women with cessation of substances known to have adverse effects on the pregnancy such as tobacco.”
Legalization: what’s the rush? // L.A. Times
“You’d think our leaders would advise waiting to see how regulating medicinal pot works out before barreling full blast into legalizing it for every adult. Also, it would be nice to have a marijuana intoxication standard in place before stoners get behind the wheel.”
A columnist walks into a Colorado cannabis store // SF Chronicle
A person experimenting with cannabis edibles and then getting uncomfortably high is an old story, but one really worth repeating as the possibility of recreational sales approaches in California.
[New content is generally posted on Friday.]