This story most recently aired in the May 17, 2023 episode of Crosscurrents.
One film Baruch Porras-Hernandez liked to watch as a child was "The Last Unicorn" - he'd watch it over and over. But for his parents, Baruch's obsession was a problem.
Hernandez talks about his childhood obsession, and how his love for unicorns taught him to embrace his own eccentricities.
BARUCH PORRAS-HERNANDEZ: I just was like, 'By the way, I was a unicorn in a past life and I'm in love with you.'
Click the audio player above to hear the full story.
This story was produced by KALW's Holly McDede and facilitated by StoryCorps San Francisco. If you want to interview a loved one for Storycorps at the San Francisco Public Library, you can make an online reservation here.