It has been an exciting summer for astronomers - NASA's New Horizons mission captured pictures of Pluto, a 15-year-old intern discovered a new planet, and tech billionaire Yuri Milner invested 100 million dollars into the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, or SETI for short. Seth Shostak has dedicated much of his life to that search - he's the Senior Astronomer and Director of the Center for SETI Research and host of the public radio show "Big Picture Science." He sat down with KALW's Ben Trefny to talk about the ongoing hunt for extraterrestrial intelligent life.
They're going to build some specialized receivers that allow them to scan as much of the radio dial as it's technically possible to do. We're looking for things that produce a radio signal that's at one spot in the dial - the same way KALW is at one spot in the dial.
Click the audio player above to listen to the complete interview.
"Big Picture Science" airs Tuesdays at 1pm here on KALW.