Last week, we aired a story produced by KALW’s Ben Trefny and Rai Sue Sussman that discussed Golden Gate Park’s new biking lanes, and it prompted an unprecedented response. Here are some thoughts from our listeners:
ILAN VITEMBERG: I cannot tell you how much I hate the new arrangement. I wish they’d go back to the old ways. It’s really hard not to hit people now, as you ride the bike to work.
JILLIAN NATHAN: I’m totally pro-bike safety and bike lanes. I find the new stripes to be a huge hazard. Many times when I’ve been parking or riding my bike or walking, I see clumps of people – often tourists or people with children – or animals that are hard to control veering into or grouped in the lane. And if I’m on my bike, especially with my daughter on my back, it’s really hard to get out of the way. Or if I’m trying to open my door, I’m always worried about bicyclists.
DAVID ANNICCHIARICO: I ride it for exercise, so I’m not just trying to ride slowly and have a leisurely ride. I’m always at risk of mowing down pedestrians, children, ya know, who aren’t aware or paying attention to the fact that a bike lane is right next to their parking.
We’ve passed these messages on to the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency – and you can share your thoughts with them as well. Leave us a message at 415-264-7106 or go to the SFMTA online feedback form.