SF Chronicle // Starbucks has bought the Bay Area based chain La Boulange Cafe and Bakery for $100 million. Starbucks plans to start to replace its current pastry selection with La Boulange products in 2013. There are 19 La Boulange cafes across the Bay Area...
Inside Bay Area // In other national news affecting the Bay Area, United Airlines has announced that it will discontinue service at Oakland International Airport after 75 years of service. In the past few years, United has only serviced 1.4 percent of the travelers with a flight between Denver and Oakland. Airport spokeswoman Rosemary Barnes says that the loss will be offset by added service to Oakland by other carriers...
SF Chronicle // While that airline is on its way out, some of the world's fastest ships are on their way in. Cities around the Bay Area continue to compete to woo America's Cup teams, and thus far Alameda has been the most successful. Alameda's defunct Navy base will serve as home base to Artemis Racing from the Royal Swedish Yacht Club, and the city is hoping to house more. Richmond and Oakland are also hoping to host teams...
San Jose Mercury News // World class entertainment is coming to Palo Alto as well. On Monday journalists got an opportunity to preview Stanford University's new Bing Concert Hall. The state-of-the-art concert hall is being celebrated as being part of a new arts district. The $111.9 million venue is scheduled to open in January with concerts by the San Francisco Symphony...
California Watch // The Oakland Unified School District has directed $173,500 in federal funds to St. Andrew Missionary Baptist Church and private school over the past four years to help pay for the education of low-income students, but documents show the school has been inflating its enrollment numbers...
SF Chronicle// On the flipside, today's California Primary promises to have deflating numbers. According to a Field Poll estimate only 35% of registered voters are expected to turn out. Analysts claim the lack of interest is due to the lack of political drama on the ballot.
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