Currently, contract negotiations between the city and the San Francisco Police Officers Association happen behind closed doors. But as calls for police reform grow louder locally and across the country, Supervisor Hillary Ronen wants this to change.
In an interview with 48 Hills, Ronen said “That’s not going to cut it in 2020. San Franciscans are in the streets demanding that we reform our police department.”
As the board voted to approve a new police budget on Tuesday, Ronen and several supervisors expressed their disappointment that it didn’t address persistent racial disparities or use of force.
On Tuesday she announced a plan to introduce legislation that would ensure that upcoming contract negotiations are more transparent, and that the final contracts are public record.
While the Board of Supervisors ultimately approves the contracts, the actual negotiations are left entirely to the city’s department of human resources and the police officers association.
Ronen said that by the time the contract reaches her desk, she has no idea what was bargained over.
The current contract, without any reforms, will receive a final vote on Dec. 1. In the meantime, Supervisor Ronen’s proposed legislation is being reviewed by the City Attorney.