Sunday, Cal Fire announced that burn restrictions are now lifted in selected areas. The counties affected are Colusa, Napa, Solano, Sonoma, and Yolo counties.
All of the rainy and cold weather that we’ve been receiving has lowered the threat of wildfires, according to Cal Fire. This means that the state can resume granting burn permits.
According to Chief, Mike Marcucci, a vital method of reducing fire hazards is by conducting controlled burns in residential areas. He added that now is a great time for people to ensure that their homes are protected from wildfires.
Fire agencies at the state, federal, and local level are also taking advantage of the wet conditions. Throughout the rainy season, they’ll conduct prescribed burns. Doing so improves the health of our forests and reduces the amount of fuels in the environment.
Although conditions have been wet and rainy, we aren’t protected from wildfires, entirely. Cal Fire is emphasizing that regardless of the wet weather, we still live in a year-round fire season.
To learn more about residential burning and ways to burn safely visit For more tips on wildfire preparedness, visit