In this final installment of "In Harm's Way," we learn about a program that's become a way for many people with lived experience with addiction to enter the workforce.
In the third installment of the series, 'In Harm's Way: Workers Battle the Overdose Crisis', we take a look at the national staffing crisis among substance use disorder counsellors across the state, and spend time with a supervisor who started out as a group counsellor making $19 dollars an hour.
In the second installment of the series, 'In Harm's Way: Workers Battle the Overdose Crisis' we meet West Oakland Punks with Lunch, a group that's been providing sandwiches, cookies, syringes, and lifesaving services for unhoused residents in the community.
Months after a one-stop-shop for people in San Francisco to receive basic services and use drugs shut down, nonprofit staff say some of the guests they saw every day are now back on the streets.