Ever hear a recording of your voice? If you're like many people, you don't love the way you sound.
Sometimes, that's simply because you're not used to hearing your voice externally but sometimes it reflects deserved unhappiness with your tone, your articulateness, etc.
On Sep 30, 2012, my guest on Work with Marty Nemko will help us out. She is Dr. Carol Fleming, a speech consultant and author of the books, The Sound of Your Voice and It's the Way You Say It: Becoming Articulate, Well-Spoken and Clear.
She'll also offer tips of conquering stage fright.
Plus, as usual, you can call in for a three-minute WorkOver. No matter how serious your work problem, I usually can help you take at least a baby step forward, if not a giant one.
This show airs Sep. 20, 2012 at 11 am.
Work with Marty Nemko is heard Sundays from 11 am to noon on 91.7 FM, KALW San Francisco