With molecular biology and aerospace engineering degrees from MIT and an M.D.from Harvard, successful entrepreneur and philanthropist Peter Diamandis, founded the X-Prize Foundation to award up-to $10-million prizes to scientists that could make serious inroads into the world's greatest problems: poverty, energy, disease, etc.
Not surprisingly, he has received all sorts of proposals. He has synthesized what he learned plus his current thinking and predictios in the just-published Simon & Schuster book, Abundance: The Future is Better than You Think.
On March 18, I'll interview him on Work with Marty Nemko. I'll ask such questions as:
- Where would you bet that the best careers of the future will be, for techies?
- For not-techies?
- Technology is often predicted to be our savior, but often has unintended negative side effects. What do you worry about?
After the interview, if there's time, I'll, as usual, do three-minute career makeovers/Workovers on callers.
Join us for Work with Marty Nemko, Sundays from 11 am to noon, on KALW, 91.7 FM.