(San Jose Mercury News) // Monday's Supreme Court ruling on Arizona's controversial immigration law upheld the mandate for a police officer to ask for a…
(Oakland Tribune) // A UCLA Anderson jobs forecast says unemployment in California will remain in the double digits until next year...(San Jose Mercury…
((LA Times)) // The Supreme Court is set to rule on the constitutionality of President Obama’s health care reform act in the coming weeks. If the…
(SF Bay Guardian) // Creative, artistically minded people are leaving San Francisco in search of affordable housing in the East Bay. Oakland is fast…
(SF Gate) // There's still no BART service between Oakland and San Francisco. An early-morning fire at a West Oakland construction site badly damaged…
(Sacramento Bee) // Assembly and Senate Democrat leaders are attempting to block the governor’s proposed cuts to programs that benefit the poor. They met…
(LA Times) // High-Speed Rail construction is facing challenges over its environmental impact on both air quality and endangered species. Concerns include…
(San Jose Mercury News) // There are still 1 million votes left to tally in the vote for Proposition 29, the San Jose Mercury News projects a loss for the…
(SF Gate) // Proposition A, which aimed to break Recology’s stronghold as San Francisco’s sole waste management company, was overwhelmingly rejected by…
SF Chronicle // Starbucks has bought the Bay Area based chain La Boulange Cafe and Bakery for $100 million. Starbucks plans to start to replace its…
(Bay Citizen) // More than 75 vocational schools are being investigated after dozens were discovered to be operating without state approval. The schools…
(Sac Bee) // Support for the tobacco tax, Prop 29, is slowly going up in smoke – thanks in part to $38 million invested in advertising by tobacco…