Crowds of opponents to legalized abortion turned out at Civic Center Plaza in San Francisco on Saturday ahead of a march down Market Street.
The 21st annual Walk for Life was held under sunny skies and warm January temperatures in a city that just months ago declared itself a strong defender of reproductive rights, when voters passed local Proposition O with more than 83 percent approval.
The proposition declared that "It shall be the official policy of the City and County of San Francisco to serve as a safe and welcoming place for patients seeking reproductive health care."
It enacted several policies related to protecting patients' information, restricting participation in out of state or federal investigations, and requiring accurate information to be displayed at prenatal health centers that do not offer abortions, among other policies.
The event, part of a national, annual campaign, was organized by the organization Walk for Life West Coast, which hosted an awareness campaign for people who have had negative experiences with abortions, an informational fair at Civic Center Plaza, and speakers sharing their views on preventing the procedure.
The group then marched down Market Street holding signs and banners.