It's Rubber Ducky Day!
Today is Monday, the 13th of January of 2020...
It is the 13th day of the year.
353 days remain until the end of the year.
50 days until primaries
Tuesday March 03 2020
(1 month and 19 days from today)
295 days until presidential elections
Tuesday November 03 2020
(9 months and 21 days from today)
The sun rises at 7:24 am
and sunset will be at 5:14 pm.
We will have 9 hours and 50 minutes of daylight.
The solar transit will be at 12:19 pm.
The first high tide was at 2:01 am
and the next high tide at 12:44 pm.
The first low tide will be at 6:43 am
and the next low tide at 7:27 pm.
The Moon is 90.1% visible; a Waning Gibbous
Last Quarter Moon in 4 days on Friday, the 17th of January of 2020 at 4:58 am
New Moon in 11 days on Friday the 24th of January of 2020 at 1:42 pm
First Quarter Moon in 19 days Saturday the 1st of February of 2020 at 5:42 pm
Full Moon in 26 days on Saturday the 8th of February of 2020 at 11:33 pm
Today is…
National Clean Off Your Desk Day
Today is also…
Old New Year's Eve or Malanka in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus
Sidereal winter solstice's eve celebrations in South and Southeast Asian cultures;
the last day of the six-month Dakshinayana period
Bhogi (Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu)
Lohri (Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh)
On this day in history…
1822 – The design of the Greek flag is adopted by the First National Assembly at Epidaurus.
1888 – The National Geographic Society is founded in Washington, D.C.
1898 – Émile Zola's J'accuse…! exposes the Dreyfus affair.
1910 – The first public radio broadcast takes place; a live performance of the operas Cavalleria rusticana and Pagliacci are sent out over the airwaves from the Metropolitan Opera House in New York.
1942 – Henry Ford patents a plastic automobile, which is 30% lighter than a regular car.
1966 – Robert C. Weaver becomes the first African American Cabinet member when he is appointed United States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development.
1968 – Johnny Cash performs live at Folsom State Prison.
1990 – Douglas Wilder becomes the first elected African American governor as he takes office as Governor of Virginia in Richmond, Virginia.
2018 – A false emergency alert warning of an impending missile strike in Hawaii caused widespread panic in the state.
…AND if today is your birthday, Happy Birthday To You! Your share this special day with…
1832 – Horatio Alger, Jr., American novelist and journalist (d. 1899)
1866 – George Gurdjieff, Russian-French mystic and philosopher (d. 1949)
1885 – Alfred Fuller, Canadian-American businessman, founded the Fuller Brush Company (d. 1973)
1887 – Sophie Tucker, Russian-born American singer and actress (d. 1966)
1929 – Joe Pass, American guitarist and composer (d. 1994)
1931 – Charles Nelson Reilly, American actor, comedian, director, game show panelist, and television personality (d. 2007)
1935 – Rip Taylor, American actor and comedian (d. 2019)
1938 – Shivkumar Sharma, Indian santoor player,
1961 – Julia Louis-Dreyfus, American actress, comedian, and producer
1975 – Andrew Yang, American entrepreneur, founder of Venture for America, and 2020 Democratic presidential candidate