Today is the 95th day of the year. There are 270 days remaining in 2019.
Sunrise is at 6:49 AM today, sunset is at 7:36 PM. There will be 12 hours, 47 minutes of daylight
There is a new moon today.
Today’s first high tide was at 12:23 AM, the next high tide will be at 12:41 PM. Low tides today will be at 6:18 AM and 6:19 PM.
Today is:
Bell Bottoms Day
National Caramel Day
First Contact Day
National Dandelion Day
National Walk to Work Day
National Deep Dish Pizza Day
Read a Road Map Day
National Flash Drive Day
Student Government Day
Hospital Admitting Clerks Day
Some of today’s birthdays:
1588 Philosopher Thomas Hobbes
1856 Writer and historian Booker T Washington
1872 Microbiologist and chemist Samuel Cate Prescott
1900 Actor Spencer Tracy
1908 Actor Bette Davis
1916 Actor Gregory Peck
1917 Writer Robert Bloch
1926 Actor, director, producer, and screenwriter Roger Corman
1929 Songwriter and producer Joe Meek
1938 Artist Nancy Holt
1946 Musician Peter Case
1949 Engineer, pilot, and astronaut Judith Resnick
1954 Musician Stan Ridgeway
1975 Rapper and producer Juicy J
1981 Musician Marissa Nadler
1989 Actor Lily James
Today in History:
1792 – United States President George Washington exercises his authority to veto a bill, the first time this power is used in the United States.
1879 – Chile declares war on Bolivia and Peru, starting the War of the Pacific.
1900 – Archaeologists in Knossos, Crete, discover a large cache of clay tablets with hieroglyphic writing in a script they call Linear B.
1922 – The American Birth Control League, forerunner of Planned Parenthood, is incorporated.
1992 – Peace protesters Suada Dilberovic and Olga Sučić are killed on the Vrbanja Bridge in Sarajevo, becoming the first casualties of the Bosnian War.