Today Monday, the 25th of June of 2018 is the 176th day of the year.
There are 189 days remaining until the end of the year.
89 days until autumn begins...
134 days until mid-term elections, Tuesday November 6, 2018
(4 months and 12 days from today)
862 days until presidential elections Tuesday November 3, 2020
(2 years 4 months and 9 days from today)
The sun is rising at 5:49 am
and sunset will be at 8:36 pm.
Today we will have 14 hours and 47 minutes of daylight.
Solar noon will be at 1:12 pm.
The first low tide was at 4:43 am
and the next low tide will be at 4:10 pm.
The first high tide will be at 11:38 am
and the next high tide at 10:28 pm.
The Pollen count is medium-to-low, 5.9 today, going down to 3.5 by the end of the week.
The Moon is 93.2% visible; a Waxing Gibbous.
Moon Direction:↑ 255.05° WSW
Moon Altitude:-8.38°
Moon Distance: 248033 mi
Next Full Moon: Wednesday June 27, 2018 at 9:53 pm
Next New Moon: Thursday July 12, 2018 at 7:47 pm
Next Moonrise: Today at 6:30 pm
The full moon in June will be called a Full Strawberry Moon. The Algonquin tribes knew this Moon as a time to gather ripening strawberries. It is also known as the Rose Moon and the Hot Moon. |
Today is…
National Strawberry Parfait Day
Please Take My Children to Work Day
It’s also…
Arbor Day in The Philippines
Independence Day, celebrates the independence of Mozambique from Portugal in 1975.
World Vitiligo Day, A disease that causes the loss of skin color in blotches.
If today is your birthday, Happy Birthday To You! You share this day with…
1903 – George Orwell, British novelist, essayist, and critic (d. 1950)
1925 – Clifton Chenier, American singer-songwriter and accordion player (d. 1987)
1925 – June Lockhart, American actress
1928 – Peyo, Belgian author and illustrator, created The Smurfs (d. 1992)
1929 – Eric Carle, American author and illustrator
1945 – Carly Simon, American singer-songwriter
1954 – Sonia Sotomayor, American lawyer and judge
1956 – Anthony Bourdain, American chef and author (d. 2018)
1961 – Ricky Gervais, English comedian, actor, director, producer and singer
1963 – George Michael, English singer-songwriter and producer (d. 2016)
…and on this day in history…
1678 – Venetian Elena Cornaro Piscopia is the first woman awarded a doctorate of philosophy when she graduates from the University of Padua.
1910 – Igor Stravinsky's ballet The Firebird is premiered in Paris, bringing him to prominence as a composer.
1944 – The final page of the comic Krazy Kat is published, exactly two months after its author George Herriman died.
1950 – The Korean War begins with the invasion of South Korea by North Korea
1978 – The rainbow flag representing gay pride is flown for the first time during the San Francisco Gay Freedom Day Parade.
1981 – Microsoft is restructured to become an incorporated business in its home state of Washington.
1993 – Kim Campbell is sworn in as the first female Prime Minister of Canada.