Tuesday, December 6th is the 341st day of the year. That means there are 18 shopping days until Christmas Eve, which also corresponds with the first day of Hannukah.
- Sunrise: 7:12am
- Sunset: 4:51pm
Tides at the Golden Gate:
- High: 4:58am/4:01pm
- Low: 10:31am/10:33pm
33% of the waxing moon will (may?) be visible, setting at 11:40pm
International celebrations today include it being…
Constitution Day - Spain
Farmer’s Day - Ghana
Foundation of Quito - Ecuador
Independence Day - Finland
St. Nicholas Day - Ukraine, Aruba, Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany, Italy, Monaco,
It’s also…
National Gazpacho Day
Microwave Oven Day
Miners' Day
National Pawnbrokers Day
On this day in…
1790 - The U.S. Congress moved from New York to Philadelphia.
1865 - The 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified. The amendment abolished slavery in the U.S.
1877 - Thomas Edison demonstrated the first gramophone, with a recording of himself reciting Mary Had a Little Lamb.
1884 - The construction of the Washington Monument was completed by Army engineers. The project took 34 years.
1917 - Finland proclaimed independence from Russia.
1921 - The Catholic Irish Free State was created as a self-governing dominion of Britain when an Anglo-Irish treaty was signed.
1923 - U.S. President Calvin Coolidge became the first president to give a presidential address that was broadcast on radio.
1947 - Everglades National Park in Florida was dedicated by U.S. President Truman.
1957 - America's first attempt at putting a satellite into orbit failed when the satellite blew up on the launch pad at Cape Canaveral, FL.
1973 - Gerald R. Ford was sworn in as the vice-president of the United States after vice-president Spiro Agnew resigned.
1989 - Egon Krenz resigned as leader of East Germany.
1990 - Iraq announced that it would release all its 2,000 foreign hostages.
1997 - A Russian Antonov 124 military transport crashed into a residential area in Irkutsk, Russia, shortly after takeoff. 70 people were killed.
1998 - In Venezuela, former Lieutenant Colonel Hugo Chavez was elected president. He had staged a bloody coup attempt against the government six years earlier.
Today’s birthday celebrants include (or included)...
- Henry VI (England) 1421
- William S. Hart 1870
- Alfred Joyce Kilmer 1886
- Osbert Sitwell 1892
- Ira Gershwin 1896
- Alfred Eisenstadt 1898
- Agnes Moorehead 1906
- Dave Brubeck 1920
- Wally Cox 1924
- David Ossman 1936
- Helen Cornelius 1941
- Len Barry 1942
- Jonathan King 1944
- James Naughton 1945
- Tom Hulce 1953
- JoBeth Williams 1953
- Miles Chapin 1954
- Chris Stamey (dB's) 1954
- Tish Hinojosa 1955
- Steven Wright 1955
- Rick Buckler (The Jam) 1955
- Bill Lloyd (Foster and Lloyd) 1955
- Randy Rhoads 1956
- Peter Buck (R.E.M.) 1956
- Janine Turner 1962
- Ben Watt (Everything But The Girl) 1962
- Ulf Ekberg (Ace of Base) 1970
- Ryan White 1971