This story aired in the July 17, 2023 episode of Crosscurrents.
"Empathy is really important. I want to build up empathy for as many people as I can. But I’m going to start by empathizing for the people who are suffering now."
Did you know our brains have something called an empathy circuit? In his new play actor Josh Kornbluth wonders if tapping more into our empathy circuits could bridge our country's political divide.
In Josh's one-man show "Citizen Brain," he also shares his personal experiences with empathy. Josh learned about the empathy circuit while a fellow at the Global Brain Health Institute. In this interview he talks about what he learned about empathy, and how he has empathy for those who don't share his politics.
"Citizen Brain" runs through July 29th at The Marsh theater in Berkeley.
This interview was co-produced by Porfirio Rangel.
Click the play button above to listen to this interview.