Today is Monday February 17, 2014
48th day of 2014, 317 remaining
Sunrise: 6:55am
Sunset: 5:51pm
Special Celebrations today:
Today is Presidents Day, Random Acts of Kindness Day, Indian Pudding Day and Cafe Au Lait Day.
This is National Hot Tea Month, Oatmeal Month, Soup Month and Wheat Bread Month.
On this day in...
1817: The first gaslit streetlights appeared on the streets of Baltimore, MD.
1878: The first large city telephone exchange opened in San Francisco, Ca.
1897: The forerunner organization to the PTA was organized in Washington, D.C.
1933: "Newsweek" was first published.
1947: The Voice of America began broadcasting in the Soviet Union.
1996: World chess champion Garry Kasparov beat the IBM supercomputer "Deep Blue" in Philadelphia, PA.
If today is your birthday, you share it with:
Hal Holbrook
Rene Russo
Lou Diamond Phillips
Michael Jordan
Larry the Cable Guy
Paris Hilton
Tags: Daily Almanac/tides