Today isThursday December 12, 2013
346th day of 2013, 19 remaining
Sunrise: 7:16am
Sunset: 4:51pm
Special Celebrations today:
Today is National Gingerbread House Day
This is also National Ambrosia Day, National Pointsettia Day, National Ding-a-ling Day, National Egg Nog Month and National Fruit Cake Month.
On this day in...
1787: Pennsylvania became the second state to ratify the U.S. Constitution.
1792:Ludwig van Beethoven received his first music lesson from Franz Haydn. He was 22.
1899: George Grant patented the wooden golf tee.
1901: The first radio signal to cross the Atlantic was picked up by inventor Gugliemo Marconi.
1925: The Motel Inn the first motel in the world was opened in San Luis Obispo, Ca.
1955: the first hovercraft was patented.
1998: The final article of impeachment was approved against U.S> President Clinton.
2000: Al Gore conceded the election to George Bush .
If today is your birthday, you share it with:
Edward G. Robinson
Frank Sinatra
Connie Francis
Dion Warwik
Cathy Rigby
Bob Barker
Ed Koch
Sheila E.
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