Each year around this time, Pringles comes out with a new, limited-time-only, holiday-themed flavor. A couple of years ago it was White Chocolate Peppermint Pringles, then there was Awkward Visit With Family Pringles, and now we have Pecan Pie Pringles.
Ian: Depending on where you're from, it's either pronounced "pee-kahn" or "gross."
Eva: Wait a minute ... at Thanksgiving my grandma said these were homemade!
Robert: Did you ever notice how Mr. Pringle doesn't have a mouth in this picture on the can? No wonder he looks so happy!

Eva: I hope people in other countries don't think this is what Americans eat? I wouldn't want to destroy the legacy we built with Doritos Tacos Locos.
Miles: Pecan Pie Pringles are the perfect potluck food. "No, guys, don't worry about it, I'll bring chips and dessert."
Peter: Yeah, it's like the potluck equivalent of an awful liqueur. You bring it, nobody eats it, you take it home and bring it to the next one.
Ian: Hey, guys, guess what's NOT an ingredient in Pecan Pie Pringles?
Miles: Hope?

Robert: Great for people with nut allergies. Not so good for people with shame allergies.
Eva: Perfect for busy Americans who want their pie on the go. Most cars now come with Pecan Pie Pringles holders.
Peter: This reminds me of all the "food of the future" articles I read as a kid. Pie in a chip! In the 1970s, we all thought we'd be living in a dystopian nightmare by now.

Peter: I like to put a vanilla-ice-cream-flavored Pringle on top and have it "a la sad."
Ian: It's amazing Pringles are a success, because "pringles" sounds like an old-timey disease. "Ma got the pringles real bad!"
Miles: I'm pretty sure pringles is what all my Oregon Trail characters died from.

Eva: Mmmmm, 17 slices to a serving.
Ian: Stopping at the point where you eat enough of them that your hand no longer fits into the can counts as healthy eating.
Peter: Has anybody seen my Alka-Pringles?
[The verdict: The flavor is closer to a caramel apple than pecan pie. Non-Pecan-Pie Pringles are superior, and Non-Pringles Pecan Pie is superior.]
Sandwich Monday is a satirical feature from the humorists at Wait Wait ... Don't Tell Me!
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