Today is Wednesday December 04, 2013
338st day of 2013, 27 remaining
Sunrise: 7:10am
Sunset: 4:50pm
Special Celebrations today:
Today is National Cookie Day
This is also National Dice Day, National Cookie Cutter Week, National Egg Nog Month and National Fruit Cake Month.
On this day in...
1942: U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt ordered the dismantling of the Works Progress Administration. The program had been created in order to provide jobs during the Great Depression.
1945:The U.S. Senate approved American participation in the United Nations.
1965: The U.S. launched Gemini 7 with Air Force Lt. Col. Frank Borman and Navy Commander James A. Lovell on board.
1978: Dianne Feinstein became The first woman Mayor of S.F. replacing George Moscone who was murdered.
1991: Pan Am World Airways ceased operations.
2000 and 2001: O.J. Simpson had trouble with the law in Florida.
If today is your birthday, you share it with:
Wink Martindale
Max Baer Jr.
Dennis Wilson
Jeff Bridges
Marisa Tomei
Tyra Banks
Tags: Daily Almanac/tides