Our Spring Campaign has arrived. We need your help spreading the word to your digital communities. With your social currency, we'll have the whole Internet talking about the importance of local powered radio and KALW in no time.
Here's how you can become a virtual ambassador:
On Facebook, change your profile picture and/or banner to one of these lovely images. You can also post these images to your Facebook timeline as a virtual shout-out or badge of support for the station.
If you're on twitter, we'll be sporting the hasthtag #powerKALW. You can tweet something like:
I love local powered radio @KALW - now you can #powerKALW: http://bit.ly/16xM2dS
You can follow and retweet @KALW, too!
Now is the time to show your love and support for KALW. Think of these efforts as digital love letters to your favorite local powered station.