Less than 5 percent of LGBT people give directly to LGBT causes. Why is that? In the midst of another tech boom, why do Bay Area non-profits -- gay and straight -- still struggle? How might they tap into the “new young money”? How much can social media help? Give OUT Day, a new national experiment in online giving for LGBT causes, debuts May 9. Eric Jansen's expert guests on Out in the Bay are Jodi Schwartz of LYRIC, a non-profit serving queer and questioning youth in San Francisco for more than 20 years; Roger Doughty of Horizons Foundation, the Bay Area’s LGBT foundation; and Noris Chavarría of Bolder Giving, creator of Give OUT Day.
You can donate to Out in the Bay May 9 via Give Out Day; or visit www.GiveOutDay.org/BayArea to see all the Bay Area non-profits participating. (On the Give Out Day site, you can schedule your donation in advance to occur May 9)
(Broadcast Thursday, May 2)